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Dark Lip Neutralization

Touch Up Not Included

  • 2 hr 30 min
  • 450 US dollars
  • West Wendover Avenue

Service Description

Lip Neutralization is for anyone with melanin or hyper-digmentated lips who wish to camouflage the blue/purple tones in their lips. 2-3 Sessions may be needed depending on lip pigmentation and desired results. ⚠ COLD SORE PREVENTION ⚠ If client has a known history of cold sores, also known as fever blisters, it is THEIR responsibility to take an oral anti-viral (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valtrex, or Lysine) as advised and prescribed by their medical physician or over-the-counter purchases to prevent cold sores, herpes, or fever blisters outbreak. Additionally, please avoid the following: (1 WEEK PRIOR) ⓧ NO tanning or major sun exposure ⓧ NO facial procedures (electrolysis, mud masks, hydra facials, skin-needling, microdermabrasion, etc.) ⓧ NO tweezing, threading, shaving, waxing, tinting, bleaching, henna-ing, or lasering (4 WEEKS PRIOR) ⓧ NO Botox or fillers (including needleless) ⓧ NO cosmetic procedures or surgeries (DAY BEFORE AND DAY OF) ⓧ NO fish oil, Vitamin E, aspirin, ibuprofen, painkillers, or illicit drugs ⓧ NO caffeine (including coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.) or alcohol ⓧ NO blood thinning medications ⓧ No working out or activities that produces excessive sweating If for any reason you are unsure or unclear about the pre-care instructions and limitations, please email with any questions or concerns and allow 24 hours for a response.

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