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Lip Blush (Special)

  • 2 hr 30 min
  • 400 US dollars
  • West Wendover Avenue

Service Description

Lip Blush tattoo is used to enhance the natural lip shape, symmetry, and colour.​ A customized pigment is applied to add definition to your lips and conceal imperfections based on your skin tone and personal preference. Your lips will look like lipstick on the first day, and soften as they heal to become a very subtle, natural looking lip tint. Apply a little gloss or balm and your lips look beautiful 24-7! 2-3 Sessions may be needed depending on lip pigmentation and desired results. ⚠ COLD SORE PREVENTION ⚠ If client has a known history of cold sores, also known as fever blisters, it is THEIR responsibility to take an oral anti-viral (Acyclovir, Zovirax, Valtrex, or Lysine) as advised and prescribed by their medical physician or over-the-counter purchases to prevent cold sores, herpes, or fever blisters outbreak. Additionally, please avoid the following: (1 WEEK PRIOR) ⓧ NO tanning or major sun exposure ⓧ NO facial procedures (electrolysis, mud masks, hydra facials, skin-needling, microdermabrasion, etc.) ⓧ NO tweezing, threading, shaving, waxing, tinting, bleaching, henna-ing, or lasering (4 WEEKS PRIOR) ⓧ NO Botox or fillers (including needleless) ⓧ NO cosmetic procedures or surgeries (DAY BEFORE AND DAY OF) ⓧ NO fish oil, Vitamin E, aspirin, ibuprofen, painkillers, or illicit drugs ⓧ NO caffeine (including coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.) or alcohol ⓧ NO blood thinning medications ⓧ No working out or activities that produces excessive sweating If for any reason you are unsure or unclear about the pre-care instructions and limitations, please email with any questions or concerns and allow 24 hours for a response.

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